Sandra Gross Fotografia
- 297 x 420 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 180 gr
- Typefaces: Berlingske Serif, Helvetica Now

- 297 x 420 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 180 gr
- Typefaces: Sharp Grotesk, Agipo
Adam Curtis Programme
- 840 × 152 mm
- Paper (inside): Munken Lynx Rough 120gr
- Typefaces: Akzidenz Grotesk Extended, Helvetica Neue
Program and poster proposal for a cycle of projections around the figure of Adam Curtis.
- 205 × 280 mm
- Paper (inside): Munken Pure 80gr, Munken Pure Rough 150gr
- Paper (cover): Munken Pure 300gr
- Typefaces: Ivar Text, Ivar Display, Akzidenz Grotesk Next
- Pages: 232
Book written by Aleix Cort and illustrated by Jordi Abelló. October 2018.
Retrats, by Pep Escoda
- 165 × 220 mm
- Paper: Artic Volume White 170gr
- Typefaces: Suisse Intl'
- Pages: 52
Catalogue for Retrats, an exhibition about some of the best portrait photographies of Pep Escoda.
Xcèntric Poster Series 3
- 524 x 841 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 180 gr
- Typefaces: Akzidenz Grotesk, Helvetica Neue
Serie of posters designed for promote the film screenings of Xcèntric. January 2018.
Full Dominical
- 210 x 297
- Paper: Cyclus Offset 115gr
- Typefaces: Canela, Basetica
- Copies: 500
Design for the artist Jordi Abelló. December 2017.
Xcèntric Arxiu Postcards
- 120 x 180 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 350gr
- Typefaces: Helvetica Neue
Serie of postcards designed for promote the film screenings of Xcèntric Arxiu. October 2017.
Desvío Poster Serie
- 500 × 700 mm
- Paper: Conqueror Wove High White 180gr
- Typefaces: Acta Display, Univers, Univers Extended
Serie of posters promoting Pep Escoda's photobook. October 2016.
Desvío, by Pep Escoda
- 200 × 265 mm
- Paper (inside): Fedrigoni Splendorgel 150gr, Fedrigoni Sirio Pearl 125gr
- Paper (cover): Fedrigoni Splendorgel 200gr
- Typefaces: Acta Display, Univers
- Pages: 96
- Copies: 150
Photobook by Pep Escoda. October 2016.
Polígons Photography Series
- 180 x180 mm
- Hahnemühle Photo Silk Baryta 310 gr
- Cpies: 250
Available for purchase.
Photography project by DOMO—A
- 780 x 578 mm
- Paper: Recycled Newsprint 52gr
- Typefaces: Post Grotesk, Adobe Arabic, Adobe Kaiti Std
- Copies: 400
Available for purchase.
October 2016.
Xcèntric Poster Series 2
- 420 x 594 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 180gr
- Typefaces: Helvetica Neue
Serie of posters designed for promote the film screenings of Xcèntric. September 2016.
Xcèntric Poster Series 1
- 420 × 594 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 180gr
- Typefaces: Helvetica Neue
Serie of posters designed for promote the film screenings of Xcèntric. September 2016.
Havana Bike
- 190 x 240 mm
- Paper (inside): Novatech Ultimatt Volume Mate 150 gr
- Paper (cover): Keyacolour Color 300gr
- Typefaces: Minion Pro, Optima
- Pages: 84
- Copies: 150
Photobook for the photographer Pep Escoda. June 2016.

Museu Picasso Barcelona
- 420 x 594 mm
- Paper: Cyclus offset 140gr
- Typefaces: Freight Display, Freight Text, Freight Sans
Guide poster designed for the Master conferences Jaume Sabartés of Museu Picasso.

Poster Archetype
- 445 x 594 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 180gr
- Typefaces: Monotype Grotesque
February 2016.

Festa del Grafisme 2015
- 594 × 841 mm
- Paper: Arcodesign 180gr
- Typefaces: Akzidenz Grotesk
Proposal for Festa del Grafisme of Portbou. September 2015.
Blanc Fest
- 750 × 520 mm
- Paper: Recycled Newsprint 52gr
- Typefaces: Linotype Centennial, Times New Roman, Apple LiSung
- Copies: 400
Self promotion for Blanc Festival. December 2014.
Vinyes de Deu
- 235 x 320 mm
- Pages: 184
- Typefaces: Minion Pro, DIN 1451
Book for Clos de l'Obac. April 2013.

Santa Llúcia Poster
- 420 x 297 mm
- Paper: Arco Design 180gr
- Typefaces: Futura BT
Proposal for Premis Literaris 2012 Tarragona. December 2012.

Segells Portbou
- 33 x 76 mm
- Typefaces: Futura BT
Proposal for Festa de Grafisme. September 2012.

DOMO–A poster
- 595 x 841 mm
- Paper: Arco Design 180gr
- Typefaces: Bauer Bodoni
June 2012.